The Department of Justice Ends The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI
Did you know that there are Debtors' Prisons arising all across the United States?

Did you also know that they're filled with an overwhelming number of black people?

And, did you also know that in every state and local building that receives federal funds, that there is NO information to inform blacks of their rights under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI?

There are no:

POSTERS - around the building to inform you of your civil rights,

COMPLAINT FORMS - to enable you to file a complaint, and

INSTRUCTIONS - to explain the complaint process to you.

Imagine if you were...

an elderly black woman who was being targeted in her subsidized housing complex by white and black administrators.  They tell her
month after month that she owes "late fees" - because they make
it hard to accept payment by restricting her payment options, or

a single-parent black mother living in a condominium subsidized by
the federal government, who is periodically told by management that
she has leaks in her apartment that she must pay for repairs and damages to other units  Later, the all-white condo board  demands she appear in court to settle the matter.  There the judge  refuses to accept any evidence she presents and issues her "fines" for several hundreds
of dollars.

What is most shocking is that there's no information made available to them, at either the:

*  subsidized housing complex;

*  condominium complex, or

*  the local court house

about their rights under Title VI, to provide them an opportunity to complain about being mistreated by these officials.

That's no mistake.  The TRUTH is that:

The Department of Justice has a covert policy that is known to most of the employees in every state office; city hall; local human rights office; court house - EVERY office that receives federal funds to provide blacks services - from housing to healthcare and more!

What is the "covert policy"?

It's the policy that requires these employees to specifically ignore blacks' civil rights under Title VI.

What does this mean?

It means that if you feel that:

a)  any one of these employees has violated your civil rights,  AND

b) they have DENIED you services, AND

c) you seek to file a complaint under Title VI, with that office or the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs...


In other words, they are all getting your tax dollars to target, discriminate and retaliate against you for ATTEMPTING to PROTECT your CIVIL RIGHTS!

Learn more about your rights under The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI
when you click this link.
Exposing the United States'
Genocide of Black Americans
A 4 Justice Radio Project
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