Isis's Story Exposes the Department of Justice
Isis (her alias) is a black, female and volunteer reporter with
4 Justice Radio - a citizen-advocacy site that reports on
government corruption and posts public complaints on the
Web. Over a period of 9+ years she became incresingly aware
that local human rights agencies in the Commonwealth cities of
Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia were NOT in compliance with The Act.
What does that mean?
Well, they were refusing to fairly investigate blacks' complaints - and retaliating when blacks tried to complain against them, for failing to do their jobs.
In addition, when Isis became the victim of :
- a "Mafia-styled" operation in the Alexandria District Court which targeted black and other non-white residents of
Park Place Condominium instituted by Judge Nolan
Dawkins, Judge Donald Haddock, Jr. and attorney Kevin
Kernan who targeted the minorities in the complex with i i
illegal condo "fines" and "fees," and
- an illegal "eviction" where criminal attorney Joseph King posed as a judge with the help of Presiding Judge Becky Moore to steal her condominium
These judges, attorneys, public officials and others had instituted a "covert slavery" system to target their victims.
By using the courts as a cash register, judges from Misssouri, to Louisiana to Virginia have been able to steal black peoples'
- to make them loose their jobs;
- to take away their civil rights
and in many cases their lives.
However, Isis discovered that they did it all with the cooperation of the United States Department of Justice.
Exposing the United States'
Genocide of Black Americans
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